Embassy for Guilds of Historica

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Markus Rollbühler
    rolli's picture


    Joined: 8 Jan 2013

    I finally got around taking decent pictures of a building I constructed a year ago for a contest on eurobricks. I never found the time to take good photos of it so finally I can present it adequately. I'd like to show it here as you guys always asked what I was actually building. This might also be the explanation for the cheese slope running gag Eye-wink
    It was built for Guilds of Historica where you choose a guild and build for it. Challenge 2 of GoH was about building an embassy in one of the other guilds / areas. My embassy actually won this contest.

    You can find more images in my flickr album. I also included some pictures to show how I constructed the roof.

    Regards from Germany! Enjoy the event next weekend and drink a glass or two on behalf of me!
