Office Decorations

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    vizzitor's picture
    Joined: 16 May 2015

    So I brought in some Lego to decorate in work again this year. There's only a couple of new things since my setup last year. There's a few Lego baubles hanging from the ceiling and the more ornament type sets are on my desk.

    Anyone that has come in to take a look I've asked if they want to make a minifig to put in the display. A few have played around with the figures, even setting up a polar bear to attack the Gingerbread baby.

    There's a colleague retiring next year who goes above and beyond decorating the office each year and asking me for weeks leading up to December if I'm making anything. So I took too long to make a larger scale version of her desk and a section of her office with her decorations. There's even a cheap string of lights around the tree. I hate the version of her I made to put in it so she's partially hidden behind the partition.